Re: Islam

[ Bible Probe ]

Posted by Bible Probe on July 01, 2005 at 18:43:48:

In Reply to: Islam posted by unknown on July 01, 2005 at 18:38:33:

Muslims have no choice but to believe in the Christian Bible and the Apostles who wrote it. The Qur'an forbids anyone, on pain of shameful punishment, from making distinctions between the authority of the apostles and prophets of God, or from choosing between God's words. No one is permitted to believe in part and reject a part. Those who presume to do so, it says, are infidels in reality (Sura 4:150-52; 2:89; 2:139; 42:15; 29:46-47).  See Christian Bible references to who Jesus really is:


The biggest threat to Islam is without a doubt the teachings of the true "Prophet of Peace" Jesus Christ. Islamic leaders go to extraordinary means to hide the Gospel of Jesus from Muslims. The fact that Muslims do not read and study the New Testament/the Gospel of Jesus is yet another contradiction in Islam. Question the "dark side" - the Islamic Fear of Christianity. Just as satan wails at a crucifix at an exorcism - the Islamic cult member normally wails at the sight of the Christian Bible. A false prophet can always be recognized, because he attacks the true prophet. A false Bible can be recognized, because it contradicts the true Bible.  Islam goes one step further. First Islam tries to gain acceptance by attesting to the truth and validity of both the Christian and Jewish holy books. But, it then clearly steps out of the light, exposing itself to its diabolical agenda, by contradicting and falsifying the facts and teachings in both these books. This is what the warning means that Jesus left us with, when he said; "insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

Islam claims that Allah is the same God who was revealed in the Bible. . . .  then if the Bible and the Qu'ran have differing views of God, then Islam's claim is false. Don't forget that Muhammad claimed in Sura 5:46 that Allah confirmed the Torah (Tauret) and Christian Gospel (Injil). So, if the Torah and Gospel are correct, all the errors in the Qur'an make the Qur'an FALSE..

This Sura below shows how Muhammad had a complete misunderstanding of the Christian Gospel, and what the Trinity is. Apparently, Muhammad is referring to Christians. But his error here is that both Christians and Jews believe there is only One God. Muhammad also mistakenly thought the Trinity was the Father, Son and Mother (Mary).

Sura 5:73-75, "They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three..."  

Again, below Muhammad attests to the Torah's authority. So, for Muslims to claim the Bible was corrupted is an argument already lost....

Blessed be the God of Abraham (Ibrahim), whose words are perfect in truth and incorruptible! (Sura 6:115; 10:65; 6:34).

In Sura 5:48 we are told that Muhammad is given the Qur'an as a confirmation of the bible; that is - it is meant to prove the bible's authenticity....

In Sura 46:12 we are told.... "Yet before it there was the Book of Moses which was an authority, and a mercy. This (the Qur'an) is the Book confirming it in the Arabic tongue....."

MY QUESTION TO YOU IS: Have you done what Allah told you to do, as a good Muslim? Have you read the Christian Gospel (Guidance and light)?

Begin by reading the Gospel of John in PDF format HERE

Even after Allah confirmed the Torah and Gospel, Islamic Mullahs and Imams have tried to sell the lie that the Christian Gospels and Jewish Torah have been corrupted.  This a complete lie! This lie is perpetuated by Islam, because of all the historic, scientific, and simple mathematical errors in the Koran/Qur'an as you'll see below... The Qur'an just doesn't add up.

"They" could not have changed the Christian Gospel after Muhammad, since there are around 5,300 manuscr1pts of the whole or part of the Greek text of the New Testament (Injil) pre-dating Mohammed still in existence. Worldwide, there are 24,800 copies of these original manuscr1pts. These include the Codex Vaticanus (325-350 AD) located in the Vatican library and the Codex Siniaticus (350 AD) located in the British Museum. There are also 80,000 quotations in the works of early Christian writers which are so extensive that the New Testament could virtually be reconstructed from them without the actual New Testament documents. Then there is the obvious fact that the Christian Gospels were so widely distributed both before and after Muhammad, that any attempt to change (add/subtract) something in the Christian Gospels would have resulted in immediate discovery.

As to the Tauret (Torah), Jewish scribes painstakingly copied it via a system of checking, double checking and adding each letter on each line. Any attempt to change something in the Torah would have resulted in immediate discovery. And copies of the Torah from around the world agree exactly.

This same quality of transmission cannot be said of the Islamic Qur'an. The Islamic Qur'an was written down from 3rd and 4th hand accounts; and from a few thoughts written on scrap papers --and compiled 200-300 yrs after Muhammad died in 632 A.D. See corrupted Qur'an here  Considering the absence of external and internal evidence that should effectively verify the revelatory character of the Qur'an, we find it very hard, if not impossible, to accept the Qur'an as a Message sent by God. This is particularly so, because the Qur'an contradicts earlier revelation which you can see below:

The Historical, Scientific, simple mathematics and theological contradictions in the Qur'an are too numerous to list. Remember, since Muhammad already proclaimed the Jewish Torah/ Christian Old Testament (Taurat) as correct in Qur'an 5:46/47 and 43:63, then the following gross errors that differ with the Torah are inexcusable. These errors their selves scream out the Qur'an itself is entirely false.

We have noted newer English translations of the Qur'an popping up on the internet which are deceitfully attempting to cover up many of the errors cited below. Double check with your older Qur'ans--you'll see. The world is aware that the Qur'an is made up of 114 chapters (suras), made up of 30 parts, 6,616 verses (ayas), 77,943 words, and 338,606 letters. So consider this as you try and fine tune it to rid it of errors.

In Sura 5:48 we are told that Muhammad is given the Qur'an as a confirmation of the bible; that is - it is meant to prove the bible's authenticity....

In Sura 46:12 we are told.... "Yet before it there was the Book of Moses which was an authority, and a mercy. This (the Qur'an) is the Book confirming it in the Arabic tongue....."

Yet the errors in the Qur'an are utterly careless, foolish and devoid of any touch of divinity, as you will see.

In the Torah/Old Testament, which the Qur'an claims above to support - God gives us another condition a true prophet must meet. A true prophet must prophesy in the name of the one true God. He must use Gods unique name. Gods unique name in the bible is YHWH (pronounced Yaweh) and is mentioned 6,823 times in the bible. Muhammad never used Gods real name, suggesting he never knew it.

Here are just a few notable errors in the Qur'an:

In Sura 2:241 Muhammad confuses the persons of Saul and Gideon.

In Sura 2:55-60 the Israelites were said to be "a scanty band" vastly inferior to the Egyptians. But in Exodus 1:7-10 the Egyptian king said to his people that the Israelites had become "more and mightier than we".

The Koran confused the sister of Moses by implication (Miriam) with Mary, the mother of Jesus 3 times. These two women actually lived about 1500 years apart. The entire Chapter 19 is devoted to Mary (Maryam) the mother of Jesus in the Qur'an. Sura 19:28, "O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!" Sura 66.12 calls Mary 'daughter of lmran. lmran is the Arabic form of the Hebrew Amram mentioned in Numbers 26.59 as the father of "Aaron, Moses and Miriam." The title "sister of Aaron" is given to Miriam in Exodus 15.20. Sura 3.35, The wife of Amram said, "My Lord, I have dedicated (the baby) in my belly to You, totally, so accept from me. You are Hearer, Omniscient."

Jesus was born about 1,500 years after Moses, but in Sura 7:157 Allah speaks to Moses about what is written in the Injil (the Gospel of Jesus).

How many angels were talking to Mary? When the Qur'an speaks about the annunciation of the birth of Jesus to the virgin Mary, Sura 3:42,45 speaks about (several) angels while it is only one in Sura 19:17-21. The Christian Bible clearly indicated one angel; "In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth," Luke 1:26

Jesus taught people even in his "old age". (Sura 5:110). Actually Jesus ascended into Heaven while in His early 30's.

Do you remember the evil Persian Haman who conspired to kill all the Jews during the time of Esther in the Babylonian captivity (about 500 BC).  In the Koran, Muhammad incorrectly taught that this wicked man Haman was the prime minister of the Egyptian Pharaoh in Moses' time (1450 BC). See Suras 27:4-6, 28:38, 29:39, 40:23-24,and 36-37. Throughout the Quran--Nimrod and Abraham, Haman and Moses, Mary and Aaron, the tower of Babel (2500 BC) and Pharaoh were all pictured as living and working together. Moses and the flood are also incorrectly found together. Muhammad thought these all happened at the same time.  Suras 9:68, 21:51-71; 29:16,17; 37:97,98 say Abraham was delivered from Nimrod’s fire. Nimrod lived soon after Noah and long before Abraham.

What about Noah's son? According to Sura 21:76, Noah and his family is saved from the flood, and Sura 37:77 confirms that his seed survived. But Sura 11:42-43 reports that Noah's son drowns.

Sura 7:136, 7:59 say Noah's flood took place in Moses' day. Did anyone tell Moses that?

Sura 14:37, says Abraham lived in the valley of Mecca. The Bible says he lived in Hebron, Israel. (Genesis 13:18, 23:2, 35:27)

Earth created first. (Sura 2:29). Heavens created first. (Sura 70:27-30).

Sura 9:30 mistakenly claims that the Jews believed that Ezra was the Son of God, the Messiah, just as Christians claim for Jesus. Jews have never believed this.

Suras 21:51-71; 37:97,98, says that Abraham was thrown into a fire [by Nimrod]. Nimrod and Abraham did not live at the same time. Muhammad was always mixing people together in the Qur'an who did not live at the same time. The Bible tells us Nimrod lived many centuries before Abraham.

Sura 6:74, says Abraham (called millata-Ibrahim in the Qur'an) father's name was Azar. The Bible says it was Terah (Genesis 11:27).

Sura 12:21ff, says the man who bought Joseph was named Aziz. The Bible says it was Potiphar.

Sura 37:100-112, says Abraham went to sacrifice Ishmael. The Bible says it was Isaac.

Sura 5:72, The Quran falsely teaches that Christians believe that Messiah's name is Allah.

Sura 5:73-75,116, 4:171, Muhammad mistakenly thought the Christian Trinity was 3 gods: the Father, the Mother (Mary), and the Son (Jesus).  This is based on Muhammad's own misunderstanding seen in Sura 5:119. Also, in the last of all Suras we read:  O Jesus, Son of Mary, hast thou said unto mankind 'Take me and my mother as two Gods beside God? ' He shall say: 'Glory be unto Thee! it is not for me to say that which I know to be not the truth.' There is no way for Muslims today to escape the fact that the Koran indeed contains this major theological blunder.

Sura 28:8-9, says is was Pharaoh's wife who adopted Moses. The Bible says it was Pharaoh's daughter in Exodus 2:10.

Paradise has one garden. (Sura 39:73, 41:30, 57:21, 79:41). Paradise has many gardens. (Sura 18:31, 22:23, 35:33, 78:32).

Even the name for Jesus in the Qur'an is incorrect. The name for Jesus in the Qur'an is given as "Issa." Issa is the Arabic equivalent of Esau, the name for the twin brother of Jacob. The correct Arabic name for Jesus would be Yeshua or Yeshuwa.

Pharaoh drowned. (Sura 17:103, 28:40, 43:55). Pharaoh did not drown. (Sura 10:92).

Sura 9:10, incorrectly says Zacharias could not speak for only three days.

Sura 20:87, 95, says the Jews made the golden calf in the wilderness at the suggestion of Samaritans. There were no Samaritans at that time. Samaritans came along in 722 BC, over 700 years later.

Here are two "beauties":

Sura 18:85,86, says that Alexander the Great (Zul-qarinain) followed the setting sun and found that it went down into the waters of a muddy spring. Sura 18:89-98 says Alexander the Great was a Muslim and worshipped Allah and lived to an old age. Actually, Alexander the Great died very young and was by no means a Muslim. The Greek, Alexander the Great lived from 356 - 323 B.C. (Before Jesus). He was 33 years old when he died. Muhammad and Islam did not come along till 610 A.D. (after Jesus), when Muhammad began preaching Allah and his new religion in Mecca. This was over 900 years after Alexander the Great died. Yusuf Ali and the Concise Dictionary of Islam confirm that Zul-qarinain in the Quran is Alexander the Great.

The Qur'an also incorrectly says Abrah's army was defeated by birds dropping stones on them. History says Abrah's army withdrew after smallpox broke out. It says; the Kabah was build by Adam and rebuilt by Abraham. It was built by pagans to worship a black rock that fell out of the sky. Abraham never lived in Mecca.

To get a clearer idea of the Christian Concept of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) read this real Near Death Experience Testimony here and here. It shows that Jesus' light is one and the same as the Father's. And that only Jesus is our mediator with the Father. All (Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindu, etc) have sinned. So all require a mediator.

Other notable errors in the Qur'an:

More flip flops than John Kerry: The origin of calamity? Is the evil in our life from Satan [Sura 38:41], Ourselves [Sura 4:79], or Allah [Sura 4:78]? Can slander of chaste women be forgiven? Yes [Sura 24:5], No [Sura 24:23].

Abrogation? "The words of the Lord are perfect in truth and justice; there is NONE who can change His words." [Sura 6:115] Also see 6:34 and 10:64. But then Allah (Muhammad?) sees the need to exchange some of them for "better ones" [Sura 2:106, 16:101]. And it is not for ignorant people to question Allah because of such practices!  Let us Reason. How can a divine revelation be improved upon? If divine, would it not have been perfect from the start?

Consider the change of amount of days creation took, first from 6 days (Suras 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, and 25:59) and then it gets changed to 8 days (Suras 41:9-12). Is someone not playing with a full deck?

Allah can have a son. (Sura 39:4). Allah can't have a son. (Sura 6:101).

In Sura 39:42, the human Mary was told she would have an "immaculate conception," or be impregnated by Allah. Yet, Sura 6:100-101 denies that Allah could have a son or daughter through mortals.

Face Mecca while praying. (Sura 2:115, 144). Face Jerusalem while praying. (Sura 2:115, 144).

Is Jesus a Prophet or not? Will Jesus burn in hell? In Sura 4:158 Jesus is raised to Allah, and in Sura 3:45 Jesus is stationed near Allah. Jesus is worshiped by billions of Christians.  Yet Sura 21:98 says, that all that are worshiped by men besides Allah will burn in Hell together with those who worship them.

Did Jesus Die or Not? Sura 3:144 is quite adamant that all messengers died before Muhammad. But then Sura 4:158 claims that Jesus was raised to God (alive?).

In Sura 4:157 we read that Jesus certainly did not die, yet in Sura 19:33 we read that not only did he die, but he arose again! 19:33 reads about Jesus: "And peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I get resurrected."

In Sura 51:57 we are told that Jinn were created to worship Allah; yet in Sura 7:176 we find that the Jinn's were created for Hell.

What is the punishment for adultery? Flogging with a 100 stripes (men and women) [Sura 24:2], "confine them to houses until death do claim them (lifelong house arrest - for the women) [Sura 4:15]. For men: "If they repent and amend, leave them alone" [Sura 4:16]. Sura 24:2 contradicts both the procedure for women and men in Sura 4. And why is the punishment for women and men equal in Sura 24 but different in Sura 4?

Didn't Allah have a Basic Education?

It just doesn't add up: Sura 4:11-12 and 4:176 state the Qur'anic inheritance law. When a man dies, and is leaving behind three daughters, his two parents and his wife, they will receive the respective shares of 2/3 for the 3 daughters together, 1/3 for the parents together [both according to verse 4:11] and 1/8 for the wife [4:12] which adds up to more than the available estate. A second example: A man leaves only his mother, his wife and two sisters, then they receive 1/3 [mother, 4:11], 1/4 [wife, 4:12] and 2/3 [the two sisters, 4:176], which again adds up to 15/12 of the available property.

In Suras 6:14, 6:164 and 39:12 we are told that Muhammad (born 570 years after Jesus) was the first to bow down to Allah; making him the first Muslim. But wait, yet in these passages weren't we already told in that Abraham, his sons and Jacob were former Muslims (Sura 2:132), and that all the earlier prophets (Sura 28:52-53), and Jesus' disciples (Sura 3:52) were also Muslims?.

Does Allah's day equal to 1,000 human years (Sura 22:47, 32:5) or 50,000 human years (Sura 70:4)?

Heaven and Earth created? Sura 2:29 says first earth and then heaven was created. But wait, Suras 79:27-30 indicate, first heaven was created, and after that earth?.

To Intercede or Not To Intercede? The Qur'an makes contradictory statements about whether on the Day of Judgment intercession will be possible. No: in Suras: 2:122-123, 254; 6:51; 82:18-19; etc. Yes: in Suras: 20:109; 34:23; 43:86; 53:26; etc. Each position can be further supported by ahadith.

Does Allah forgive shirk? Shirk can encompass any object that a person may hold in regard higher than Allah. It is the most severe of sins and will not be forgiven. But the author of the Qur'an seems unable to decide if Allah will ever forgive it or not. No in Suras 4:48, 116, and Yes in Suras 4:153, 25:68-71.

Another contradiction: According to Sura 6:76-78 Abraham committed this sin of polytheism as he takes moon, sun, stars to be his Lord.  Yet Muslims believe that all prophets are without any sin!

In Sura 96:1-2 we read that God made man from a blood clot. But in Sura 21:30 it says man was made from water. And Sura 15:26 says man was made from clay.

According to Sura 10:90-92, Pharaoh repented "in the sight of death" and was saved. But Sura 4:18 says that such a thing can't happen.

Will Christians enter Paradise or go to Hell? Suras 2:62 and 5:69 say "Yes" to Paradise.  Sura 5:72 (3 verses later) and Sura 3:85 say "No" to Paradise.

In Sura 2:234 widows are to keep themselves apart for 4 months and 10 days after their husband's death. In Sura 2:240 it is one year.

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